Completed projects

Current and past VTA projects

Created/updated 15.12.2015 12:21

Vidzeme Tourism Association, since its foundation in 1997, has been actively developing the tourism infrastructure in Vidzeme (North Latvia) through the means of various local and EU funding possibilities. Below you can find a list our past, current and planned projects. If you would like to cooperate with us in a EU Project, please, do not hesitate to contact us: info(at)!

We are always looking forward to a successful cooperation and can provide our expertise in many tourism sectors, including cycling tourism (including EuroVelo and Greenways), development of tourism products and routes, marketing and promotion of tourism products, culture and gastronomic tourism as well as many other fields! There are 34 local municipalities of Vidzeme (North Latvia), that are members of VTA, as well as Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, who provide us with the academic support and expertise. 

RUNNING PROJECTS ( as of Dec. 2015)

  • EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail Experience

More information will follow!

  • GreenWays Outdoor

Vidzeme Tourism Association, partner of the Consortia led by the European GreenWays Association, will participate in a new European Commission project GreenWays Outdoors. The project is expected to start in summer 2015 and will last for 18 months. VTA's project budget is EUR 28 800, and members from several Northern Latvia municipalities that have former railway lines traversing their territorries have already shown great interest to take part.

More information about the project can be found here

  • Silver Cyclists

The Silver Cyclists project has officially been launched in September 2015, aiming at increasing the number of seniors undertaking cycling holidays both domestically as well as to other European destinations. There are 8 partners in the project Consortia, and 2 from Latvia: Vidzeme Tourism Association and Camping Apaļkalns. The project will last for 15 months. 

More information about the project can be found here



  • EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail

This EuroVelo 13 project consortium, suported by the European Commission, is lead by the European Cyclists Federation and is composed of 14 partners from 9 countries. From Latvia there are 2 partners - Vidzeme Tourism Association and Latvian Tourism Development Agency. The main aim of the project was to develop tourism packages along the EuroVelo 13 route in Latvia, in cooperation with the other Baltic States. The project was running in 2014-2015

More information about the project can be found here

  • Euro (ECOM)

ECOM project aims at promoting the Euro Velo routes in Europe and Latvia. The Project's Lead Partner is European Cyclists Federation, and Vidzeme Tourism Association is the National partner from Latvia. There are 5 partners in the project, and promotional acitivieties as well as meeting are planned in terms of the project. 

For more information about the ECOM project, please, click here!

  • Go Cycling Through Latvia and South Estonia (Tour de LatEst)

The cycling route “Tour de LatEst” goes through two countries – Latvia and Estonia. The total length of the route is 1075 km. About a half of the road surface is asphalt and the other half – gravel. It must be taken into account that the quality of gravel roads changes depending on the weather conditions and road maintenance intensity. 

The route is very versatile in its scenic, visual, and informative qualities. By going on this tour, you can learn about the heritage of cultural history of Latvians and Estonians, visit the most popular tourism objects, and see the daily lives of the local inhabitants. The route crosses several protected natural territories of European importance – national and nature parks, scenic areas, and the biosphere reserve. 
Vidzeme Tourism Association was the Lead Partner for this 1.7 M EUR Estonia-Latvia cross-border project that lasted 18 months. Overall there were 14 partners participating from both countries. 
  • Central Baltic Cycling (CBC)

The aim of the project is to promote competitiveness of the Central Baltic region in the European tourism market by expanding offer of tourism products in the project areas. Project „CentralBalticCycling", or in full title „Development and Improvement of Cycling Route Network in Central Baltic Area" is implemented with financial support of European Union European Regional Development fund (ERDF) in Central Baltic Programme INTERREG IV A 2007-2013. Total budget is 1 497 899 EUR where 1 161st 001 EUR is co-financed by ERDF.

More information about the CBC Project as well as current news available here

  • Cultural and Heritage Added Value to Regional Policies for Tourism Sustainability (CHARTS)

Project CHARTS is INTERREG IVC programme Regional Initiative Project under Priority 2 “Environment and risk prevention”, sub-theme “Cultural Heritage and landscape”, duration from Jan, 2012 – June, 2014. 

CHARTS expected outputs and results are enhanced regional policies on Culture, Heritage & Sustainable Tourism; added-value to past and existing initiatives; increased knowledge in less developed regions of the EU (inc. new MS); creation of opportunities for employment in the Cultural and Tourism industries; protection and preservation of culture and heritage sites and landscapes; protection and preservation of the environment through the introduction and promotion of sustainable tourism strategies (Responsible Tourism) and better use of EU funds in the mainstream operational programmes with already proven successful best practices and policies.

This project is funded by the EU’s European Regional Development fund through the INTERREG IVC programme. 

More information about CHARTS project is available here!

  • GreenWays product

The main aim of the project in Latvia is the  promotion of abandoned railways and how to convert them into tourist-friendly routes. Overall budget for VTA in this project is 21 000 EUR, where EU co-finances 75%. The project duration is 18 months. 

More information about the project is available here!

  • GreenHeritage

The project Green Heritage is based on the idea of the formation of parks as places for cultural activities and popular recreation aiming at the same time at supporting local business activities. The project will last for 18 months, starting May 2013. 

More information about the project is available here!

  • BSR INTERREG IIIA North Livonia Coastal Region Initiative for Cross-border Social-Economic Development (NICE) Feb. 2005 – Jul. 2007. 
  • BSR INTERREG IIIB (AGORA) – Network Sustainable Tourism Development in the Baltic Sea Region. 1 Jul. 2005 - 31 Dec. 2007
  • BSR INTERREG IIIB “Baltic Sea Cycling network” 06. 2005 – 06. 2007.