EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail Experience
The project has been completed
Main output of the project - the new EuroVrlo 13 mobile app
Project Euro Velo13 – Iron Curtain Trail Experience will focus on the experience based tourism. The route runs along what 25 years ago was and impermeable border and one of the symbols of the dream of a common European project.
This project aims:
• to strength the promotion of the EuroVelo13 – ICT through a common marketing and communication strategy, involving stakeholders and specially SMEs,
• consolidating and promoting national networks of bed and bike business and
• strengthening the promotion of the route through the use of social media, electronic devices applications and an awarding system for completing the route.
The project also include the development of an app that will allow to the users to experience first-hand the event that took place along the route linked to the GPS tracking.
This project is the perfect opportunity to consolidate the achievement of past years in the development of the EV13 ICT („ECOM” (, „Central Baltic Cycling” un „Euro Velo 13 - ICT”) and promote it at European and national level.
There are 9 partners in the consortium from 7 different EU countries:
1. Westpannon Ltd. (Hungary) – Lead partner -
2. Jankó Kerékpáros Csapata Szolgáltató Bt. (Hungary) -
3. European Cyclists’ Federation – ECF (Belgium) –
4. Polska organizacja turystyczna – PTO (Poland) -
5. Ekopolis Foundation (Slovakia) -
6. Radlobby Österreich (Austria) -
7. Nadace Partnerstvi (Czech Republic) -
8. Vidzemes Tūrisma asociācija – VTA (Latvia) –
9. Camping Apalkalns (Latvia) -
Total budget of the project 332 323 Euro, VTA’s budget is 29 807 Euro. 72,55 % is co-financed by European Commission.
EuroVelo 13 Iron Curtain Trail Experience (ICTE) The EuroVelo13 is a long distance cycle route (10,400 km) that passes through 20 different European countries (including 14 members states of the EU). Some of the sections of this long distance cycle routes are already developed and signposted. The EuroVelo13 Iron Curtain Trail Project aims to strength the promotion of a developed tourist product that brings European citizens and visitors to one of the main and largest sceneries of the recent European History.
As written before, during the last two years a substantial work has been done to improve the EuroVelo 13 cycling infrastructure in Northern Latvia (Vidzeme). More information available here!
EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail promotional video of Vidzeme (Northern Latvia) is available here!
Information prepared by Ms. Anna Kupče
Vidzeme Tourism Association Office manager
GSM: +371 20220072, E-mail: [email protected]
The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.