Project CHARTS implemented 1st workshop on climate change. Workshop aimed to change experience and transfer good practice on climate change risks assessments, adaptation and mitigation in cultural tourism destinations.
The Seminar was follow-up to the Joint Training Seminar organized by Barcelona University during 21 – 22 June, 2012 in Barcelona, Spain.
Director of CADW, Welsh Government, Marilyn Lewis opened the workshop. After opening Cedric Rigal, Mayor of Conwy and representative of Project Leader Kostas Papamarkakis from Municipal Council of South Pelion, Greece, welcomed participants recalling how necessary is exchange experience and transfer good practices amongst partners and approach project aims for tourism sustainability in regions in the framework of CHARTS activities.
After seminar opening, Project Coordinator, Manos Vougioukas introduced participants with project activities and representative of European Cultural Tourism Network ECTN, Nigel Adams in charge of workshop organization, introduced with climate change overview, UNWTO Davos Declaration, UNWTO 2009 Background Paper, Impact of climate change on Welsh Visitor economy and Sustainable Tourism indicators in Wales.
Session 1 was dedicated for identifying and addressing the risks posed by climate change to historic environment. Under this topic John Edwards, Assistant Director of CADW, introduced with impact of climate change and Measures to minimize the impact of climate change in the historic buildings of Wales; Senior Landscape specialist of Countryside Council For Wales, Jill Bullen showed preparing for climate change in the historic environment, representatives from National Trust introduced with approaches on preparing for climate change and Heritage Officer from Offaly County Council Amanda Pedlow demonstrated 3D Laser scanning project.
Session 2 was devoted to the Role of Destination Management on preparing tourism destinations for climate change. Peter Cole, Strategy Director of ECTN demonstrated The Welsh model and Destination Manager of Conwy County Borough Council George Brooke showed how to achieving effective destination management.
During seminar, participants exchanged experience on mitigation measures, reduce carbon omissions, adapting to the direct impact of climate and achieving ‘buy in’ to a partnership approach and implementation.
Seminar was closed by tour in Conwy Castle and Town Walls what is included in the UNESCO Immaterial Heritage List.
Seminar was organized by CHARTS project partner Wales Government Assembly in collaboration with CADW and ECTN under project Component 3: Exchange of experiences dedicated to the identification and analysis of good practices/
Seminar was attended by 7 invited speakers, 23 participants of project partners regions and institutions from 8 EU countries – UK, Greece, Belgium, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Ireland and Sweden.
CHARTS project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme”.
Ieva Treija
CHARTS project
Communication Officer &
PR specialist of Vidzeme Tourism Association
Email: [email protected]